SRC Weekend Rides – Sweet Southern Hills & Lampost

Finally, a great looking weekend! Check out this SRC custom bag that our buddy Stuart crafted: STEINER RANCH get one for yourself.

Saturday there will be two group ride levels leaving at different times (from Cups & Cones) – Faster Pace and Endurance Pace.

Faster Pace 7:30 am ride will roll out to do some climbing as we head south to Lakeway/Bee Caves + Murfin on return! Get the route here:
Track progress or enroute here:

Endurance Pace Group leaves at 8:00 am this week and doing an out/back to Nelo’s again for 35 miles @ average pace of 14-17 mph. This is a NO DROP ride but you are expected to have some basic level of fitness. Route:

Sunday is our coffee shop ride to Lamppost starting at 7:30 am from C&C. (they are not on ATX water) It is 50 miles and is at an endurance pace typically finishing around a 17mph average speed. While we make great efforts to keep the group together, with a few re-group points, this is NOT a no drop ride. The route can be found here: