Jason Yunker did a great job of recapping last Saturday’s ride and Steve added some flavor to the recap as well. Overall sounded like a great ride for everyone.
Derrick Jones fired out an email with a recap on the Sunday J&A Steakhouse ride which was also really fun. I was told that the breakfast will no longer be 50% off and they will only have brunch buffets which may or may not be discounted. That will be effective starting in May.
The CAPTAIN AMERICA kits should be here any day. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement.
REMINDER: Check our calendar of events page out at www.steinerranchcycling.com as there are many awesome rides coming up. This upcoming weekend is the Shiner Ride. Other popular rides many of us are going to do is the Real Ale Ride and the Atlas Ride.
SHINER G.A.S.P. – Saturday May 3rd
Join thousands of cyclists as they ride 100 miles through small towns and scenic byways to the historic Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas. If you are interested in registering please do click here to register SHINER GASP.
– OR –
MYSTERY RIDE – Saturday May 3rd at 8:30am at Cups & Cones
If you are not doing the Shiner Ride please join us this Saturday for a local ride. We will meet at Cups & Cones and vote on the ride for the morning. The routes will vary between 40 – 60 miles and group A will average between 17 – 20 mph and group B will average between 15 – 18mph. Just show up and we can figure out the best route based on the skill sets and interest of the group. Please note that while group B will be riding at a reasonable pace it will still require that you have a certain level of fitness and it is still intended for experienced riders that are comfortable riding with a group. There is no designated sweeper.
Rookie Tri – Sunday May 4th
Just like it sounds a triathlon for rookies. It is a 11 mile bike ride, 2 mile run and 300m swim. Go to the following link to sign up.
SUNDAY SOCIAL RIDE – Sunday May 4th at 8:30am at Cups & Cones
On Sunday the Steiner Ranch Cycling Group (SRC) will roll out from Cups & Cones at 8:30 am this Sunday morning for either the Tour de Steiner Ranch or Ski Shores or some other mystery ride. Typically we stay in Steiner Ranch. This is a NO DROP RIDE.