We had a great weekend of riding. It was slightly cooler in the morning and I would like to cautiously say that the temperatures are trending downward.
The Saturday ride was fast and we did a version of the dam loop but we rode out to Jollyville and around to the 360 vs. via City Park and Courtyard Drive as originally scheduled. We had about 20 riders.
The Sunday ride was out to Ski Shores and we had 16 riders. It was a really fun ride and every got their sweat on. Remember the Sunday ride starts at 8:30am now but the Saturday ride still starts at 7:30am until the time changes then we will bump that ride to 8:30am as well.
Jester King Brewery II Club Ride is on again. Mark you calendar for November 16th. See details down below. This will be FREE and we have a sponsor too.
SCIENIC LOOP – Saturday September 21st at 7:30am at Cups & Cones
This Saturday the Steiner Ranch Cycling Club we will be doing the Scenic Loop. The ride is about 56 miles round trip to and from Cups & Cones. We can make it a little longer and add some elevation by dropping down into Cuernavaca on the way back.
We have been able to keep the group together until we get downtown and then on the way back the group typically starts to break apart due to speed and hills. The faster group will average about 18-20 mph on this ride and I’ll bring up the rear and I’ll average about 16+mph. That being said there is no designated sweeper behind me so you need to keep up with me at a minimum.
There will be about 3,600 feet of climbing and you can add about another 500 feet by adding the Cuernavaca loop on the way back. The route basically takes us down 620 to Anderson Mill to Spicewood to Jollyville to Mesa to Mt. Bonnell through Tarrytown on Scenic into downtown. We will take a fluid break at Mellow Johnny’s and head back to Steiner Ranch via Barton Springs through some back roads to 360 to Bee Caves (option drop into Cuernavaca) to 620 over Mansfield dam back to Steiner Ranch. Depending on the heat level we may come back Shoal Creek but we can talk about that.
Please print out the below route if you are not familiar with the area. Some of the riders will take Route 1 back and some will take Route 2 back. Route 1 and 2 are the same heading downtown.
ROUTE 1 (on the way downtown to MJ – same as Route 2):
ROUTE 1 (on the way home via Shoal Creek):
STEINER RANCH STEAKHOUSE / JACK & ADAMS – Sunday September 22nd at 8:30am at Steakhouse
Jack & Adam’s Bicycles and Steiner Steakhouse have teamed up once a month to bring you a beautiful bike ride of 15 miles and 34 miles through the hills of west Austin. The 2013 ride schedule is posted below. This ride will take the place of our normal shop ride on this day. We break into three groups, Advanced, Intermediate, and the No Drop entry level ride. We will roll out of the Steiner Steakhouse parking lot at 8:30 a.m. for two distances of 15 miles and 34 miles. You are welcome to add on if you like.
Be sure you get there early because they leave right at 8:30am and if you are driving try to get in the parking lot by 8:00am.
As always, 1/2 price brunch and music after ride.
Outlaw Trail Cycling Tour – Saturday October 12, 2013 Each year, the Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department hosts the Outlaw Trail 100 bike tour featuring 10 mile, 25 mile, 40 mile, 50 mile, 63 mile, and 100 mile loop courses on county roads through historic Williamson County. http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/home/?page=635
LIVESTRONG – Sunday October 20, 2013 This ride is awesome and you can join our team at http://laf.livestrong.org/goto/Beef For those of you that did the 100 miler you may remember the MAN MAKER! See if you can make it to the top of the hill this year without getting off your bike. Last year about 75% of the people riding the 100 miler walked up the hill. Texas Beef Council is a sponsor of this ride so we will have a tent, breakfast, massages, post ride meals and beer and much more. There also may be some Jersey’s available if you didn’t get one for the Tour de Cure ride.
Enchilada Buffet – Saturday October 26, 2013 This is a ride for Mountain Bikers and is 85 miles covering five local trails. The ride is completely self supported and you can learn more at www.enchiladabuffet.com
TOUR DE GRUENE – Saturday November 2, 2013 This is the 30th anniversary of the ride. The ride cost $45 now. There are recreational tour rides of 35 to 65 mile routes. There is also an individual 18.5 mile time trial and on November 3, 2013 there is a 27 mile team trial. The history, charm, and ambiance of the unique town of Gruene, between Austin and San Antonio, provide the perfect setting for our bicycle classic events. The longer tours meander along the tree lined banks of the Guadalupe River and the enchanting limestone cliffs of the Balcones Fault. Step back in time as you bask in the warm Texas sunshine all while riding through the heart of Texas – then shop, dance, wine and dine in the town that has gently been resisting change since 1872. You can learn more about this ride at http://www.tourdegruene.com/
THIRSTY PLANET BLAST OFF – Saturday November 9, 2013 Bicycle Sport Shop is proud to partner with the Thirsty Planet Brewery to bring you this metric-century hammerfest, starting and ending at the brewery. Earn your wings on this 62-mile ride that includes portions of your favorite hill-riding challenges, such as the Dam Loop and Lost Creek, combined with some new twists and turns. Of course you’ll be motivated to cross the finish line, knowing that ice-cold Thirsty Planet brews and hearty burgers will be waiting for you there. The cost to register is $60 and is limited to the first 250 riders. You can register at http://blastoffride.com/
TOUR DAS HUGEL – Saturday November 9, 2013 This ride has 13,000 feet of climbing over 100 miles. You will tackle almost all of the toughest hills in Austin. Details on the ride are hard to find online. I emailed the organizer and hopefully will get some details soon. If anyone knows the details please email it over to me and I’ll get it posted ASAP.
JESTER KING BREWERY II CLUB RIDE – Saturday November 16, 2013 Dustin Dunnham and I are working on organizing another ride in November. The date is confirmed for NOVEMBER 16th. Don’t miss this ride! We had about 140 riders last time and we expect it to be the same or larger this time. This will be a FREE ride except for any donations you want to give to Cycling Swami for driving SAG. He did an awesome job last time in supporting all of us. You will also need some cash for beer and wood oven pizza. That being said, I have a corporate sponsor for that will pay for $300 worth of pizza. I’m expecting that to be the first 60 riders. So there will be an incentive to ride quickly or else you will be buying your own pizza. We are also working on a TV so we and your guests can watch some FOOTBALL after the ride! More info will come as we finalize details.
MS150 – Saturday and Sunday April 12 – 13, 2014 The BP MS 150 is a two-day fundraising cycling ride organized by the National MS Society. It’s not the miles that matter — it’s the unforgettable journey. Steiner Ranch Cycling Club will be setting up a team in October so people can start signing up. The ride starts in Houston and finishes in Austin. We are working on some sponsorships right now so we will get back to you soon with details on all the cool stuff we are going to get. This ride will cost $100 to register for and you will have to raise $400 in donations. If someone raises more than $400 they will be able to shift there excess funds to another rider that has not hit their limit. This is a Beef Team approved ride so 60% of the entry fee can be reimbursed. More details to come over the coming weeks.
Steiner Ranch Running Group I was asked by Sonya Manson who rides with our Sunday group has started a running group in Steiner Ranch. You can learn more at www.gilbertsgazelles.com or contact Sonya directly at sonyalynnmanson@gmail.com I think they are doing runs for beginner and intermediate runners.
City of Austin Bike Registration Not sure if anyone has used this before, but a two minute registry can at least help you get your bike back if the police recover your stolen bicycle. Thank Dustin Orrick for sharing.
Charity Navigator Since we are involved in a number of charity rides please take a moment to learn more about the charities we are riding in and any others that you may be involved with. www.charitynavigator.org is an independent watchdog for charities.
If you have any questions or comments regarding our Cycling Club please contact me Dante Fichera at dantefichera@gmail.com or feel free to call me at 512-914-3773