All posts by Dante

September 7th and September 8th Rides

Saturday Group Ride LeaderWhat a great weekend of riding! 

The Saturday ride was really fun and we went down to Mellow Johnny’s via the scenic route and came back via shoal creek.  The ride was over 60 miles round trip and we had over 3,000 feet of climbing.  Andrew and Phil did the COTA ride at the race track.  According to Strava they had some great times.

The Sunday ride was fun as well and we went to Ski Shores and the morning was nice.  The ride was about 25 miles and we had a very nice ride.


Labor Day Ride  – Some people are going on a short easy ride.  If you are interested in this last minute ride please meet at Cups & Cones at 8 am for a 30+ mile mystery ride.  Chris and Biff were looking to ride with some people and they told me they will be there to meet anyone interested in a ride.  I can’t make the ride tomorrow morning.

Kristofer Rennard – For those of you following Kris’s story here is a link to his crash at Hotter n Hell:

Again if you want to learn more please feel free to contact David Guthrie ( or Thomas Lea (


AVERY RANCH ROUTE – Saturday September 7th at 7:30am at Cups & Cones

Since most of us doing the Tour de Cure on Sunday we will be doing a lighter version of the ride.  So there will be the standard fast group but there will also be slower group that will be going shorter distances.  We will ride between 45 – 55 miles depending on the route and group you choose to ride with.  We will roll out of Cups & Cones at 7:30 am morning and we will head out to AVERY RANCH. 

The ride is going to be flat.  While we do our best to keep the group together you will need to have a certain level of riding experience and conditioning to stay with the main group or else you may get left behind.  There is no designated sweeper for our Saturday rides but again this Saturday we will have two groups so there should be a pace for most riders.

Below is the route we will take on Saturday.


TOUR DE CURE – Sunday September 8th most of us will be riding in the Tour de Cure.  They have distances ranging from 22 to 93 miles.  Our Tour de Cure team has raised over $36,000 for a cure for diabetes. 


TOUR DE STEINER RANCH – If anyone wants to ride in Steiner Ranch just meet up at Cups & Cones at 7:30am and go for a ride. 


LIVESTRONG – Sunday October 20, 2013 We have our LiveStrong team set up as well and if you want to get a head start on your fund raising and training for this event as well you can join our team at  Fron what I’m told they will be doing the same course as last year.

August 31st and September 1st Rides

Phil's Crank Just Came Off
Phil’s Crank Just Came Off

The Saturday ride was reported to be fast and challenging and had about 20 riders.  I heard there were some mechanical issues.  As seen in the illustration, Philip Strohl’s crank came right off his bike while he was still pedaling.  I also heard that Cody Summers front derailer broke so he was riding in the front big ring most of the ride.  I know Red got lost and was riding here commuter so she had an exceptionally challenging ride as well.

Unfortunately, I was unable to make this ride because I was working the packet pickup for the Tour de Cure.    I know a bunch of SRCC folks went up and did the Hotter n Hell ride but have not gotten any specific details.

The Sunday ride was the monthly Steakhouse / Jack & Adams ride and there was a great turnout.  The wind direction was ideal for some record breaking times and that did indeed happen.  Our own Thomas Lea grabbed some prestigious STRAVA segment titles.  Thomas earned the KOM on the Jack & Adams 2nd half of the ride segment and an Overall 2nd Place for the entire Jack & Adams ride.  Those are titles for ALL rides ever done.  Great job Thomas!


Calf Pictures – As many of you probably already noticed we have a new website built by Dustin Orrick.  We are in the process of upgrading banner picture and Thomas came up with a great idea.  Thomas suggested creating a colash of pictures of all our Calf Muscles.  Take a close up picture of your calf muscle and please send to me.  It will be a fun picture.

Article – If you would like to submit an article related to cycling for the October edition of the Steiner Ranch record please let me know.  I need at least a 500 word article by September 6th.  The ranch record goes out to over 4,000 households monthly.  It is a nice slick publication and our club contributes an article and we have a rides calendar each month.

Kristofer Rennard – I was told that Kris did indeed get some contributions and was able to make upgrades to his bike.  I was also told that Kris made it up to the Hotter n Hell ride and was doing really well but crashed and broke his collarbone about 1 mile from the finish line.  If you want more info about Kris’s journey please contact David Guthrie ( or Thomas Lea (


SCIENIC LOOP – Saturday August 31st at 7:30am at Cups & Cones

This Saturday the Steiner Ranch Cycling Club we will be doing the Scenic Loop again.  The ride is about 56 miles round trip to and from Cups & Cones.

If we get enough people then we can have an A and B group.  Group A will average over 17+mph and Group B will average between 14 – 16mph.  That being said there is no designated sweeper and if you don’t have the fitness to keep up with Group B then you may get dropped and will be on your own to get back.   There is about 3,600 feet of climbing but Group A can easily add another few miles and over 500 feet by adding the Cuernavaca loop on the way back.

Please print out the below route and I’ll try to remember to bring a few extra cue sheets too.



RIDE AMERICAS – Saturday August 31, 2013

This ride is going to be a great opportunity to ride your bike on the new race car track.  You will be able ride the Circuit of the Americas on your bike for as much as you like for 3 hours.  They will have a pit stop and I’m sure other cool swag.  If you’re still interested you can register at

Lake Austin Ski Shores Ride – Sunday September 1st at 7:30am at Cups & Cones

We will roll out from Cups & Cones at 7:30 am this Sunday morning for a ride out to Ski Shores.  The ride is about 30 miles and has about 2,000 feet of climbing.

This is a NO DROP ride and is fun but you should be able to average 14 mph at a minimum over 30 miles.



TOUR DE CURE – Sunday September 8, 2013  This is going to be a really fun ride and most of our group is doing it. We have over 120 riders now and raised over $26,000 for the American Diabetes Association and finding a cure for diabetes.  Packet pickup will be at Cups & Cones on August 24th.  Jerseys and packets will be handed out between 11am – 4pm

BIKE AROUND THE BAY – Saturday & Sunday October 12 & 13, 2013  This ride is a two day fully supported 180 mile loop around Galveston Bay.   The ride benefits the Galveston Bay Foundation

LIVESTRONG – Sunday October 20, 2013 We have our LiveStrong team set up as well and if you want to get a head start on your fund raising and training for this event as well you can join our team at  They will be doing the same course as last year.